We packed hoodies, thermals,
and quilts. We had firewood and a comfortable, well heated fifth
wheel camper. We had plenty to do inside: TV, movies, internet
access, library books, hobby gear.
One day we drove the scenic
route up Highway 70 to Cookeville for lunch, some shopping and the
required stop at Ralph's Donuts. We rode our bikes, hiked around the
campground, took photos, sat by the fire, and even fished a little
bit when it wasn't raining.
I started and finished two new
crochet bags. We made homemade soup and chili. We saw seventeen deer grazing together right behind our campsite.

So what if people say we're
nuts for camping in winter conditions? We were cozy and warm, relaxed and
happy. And that's all that matters. Life's too short to wait...so what if it's cold?