Lavender Sensation
soft hues of blue, lavender, and green blend together with natural
muslin in this week's quilt. Doesn't it make you want to slow down
for a relaxing snuggle?

used two blocks, both cut with Blue Wren's Dynamic die. The die has
three shapes, which can be combined to make at least eight different
quilt blocks, possibly more. The arrangement of the shapes creates
the variations.
16” block is constructed with four 8” quarter squares, making it
quick and easy to sew. I drew the design using Electric Quilt 8
software, and experimented some before I finalized color placement.
Framed with 3” borders, Lavender Sensation finished out at 55” square. I quilted rows 2” apart with natural thread, using a double picot heirloom stitch and a walking foot.
I can see using this die often. I've already made a baby quilt with a completely different look using the same shapes. I'll feature it later.
So much fun, just not enough hours in the day!
Wren 6954 Dynamic Block 8” quarter block
55017 Strip 2½” binding
55032 Strips 3½” borders