Naturally Curly Hair
I have always had curly hair. All my baby photos feature cute little blonde curls. I spent my teen years trying to straighten them because in the 60's everyone wanted long, stick-straight, silky hair. I rolled it on jumbo orange juice cans, which almost worked. It was straighter, but always had a bit of a wave or curl in it. When it rained, nothing worked. It frizzed, kinked and curled, usually on photo days or when I had a date. I identified with Frieda, the cute little red haired girl in the Peanuts comic strip.
Once everyone got perms in the 80's, I was finally in vogue. I didn't have to do anything but let it dry naturally.
I still straighten my hair, but I've come to love my curls. I don't fight them anymore, especially when it rains. At the campground, damp air around the lake keeps them soft and fluffy. And after years of being red, they are back to the blonde of my childhood, mixed with quite a bit of silver.