To that end, I
have been cleaning house, both physically and mentally. Cleaning and
organizing my home puts me in a positive frame of mind. I function
better and feel more motivated when things are in order. Purging
things I no longer use or need gives me room to enjoy those that I
love. Eliminating clutter frees up time and space.
Tossing out old
thoughts and negativity clears my head and opens up space for
happiness and peace of mind. I'm keeping the lessons learned but
losing the difficult experiences. I'm hanging on to happy memories
but letting go of sadness. I'm steering away from negative people
and moving toward those who make my life better. I'm purging old
habits, excuses, and time wasters, so that I can be free to explore
new paths.
These last few
days of 2013 are for clearing out the old, so I'll have space for
what comes in 2014. Here's hoping for a Happy New Year full of joy and laughter!
“Life is
overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out the old
to make room for the new to enter.” -- Eileen Caddy