Monday, June 29, 2015

Mowing And Musing

We've been enjoying a couple of days of cooler temps and lower humidity. What a delight it's been to sit on our screened porch and do a little yard work in reasonable comfort at the end of June.

While mowing this morning, I used the time to clear my mind. It's good to do that every now and then; to reset and concentrate on the present. I focused on the breeze across my face, the smell of newly mown grass, the contrast of sun and shade, and how nice everything looked when we finished. I was happy just to be here.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that quiet feeling of satisfaction in all that we do? Life would sure be simpler. The answer may be to stay in the moment and experience all life has to offer. There could be something important in everything, even mundane chores or negative experiences. I believe I'll try looking for that hidden moment every day.

There's a treasure hidden in every moment. 
The joy of life is finding it.” 
– Katrina Mayer

Monday, June 22, 2015

A Day Off

I'm taking the day off 
to conduct some 
important business.  

See you next week!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Happily Sewing

Saturday was National Sewing Day, so I made a weekend of it.  Music, iced tea, and a stack of cool, pretty fabric. I fiddled with several designs to come up with a cute triangle wall hanging and some pillows for the living room.
It was very relaxing until I tried to filet my little finger with the rotary cutter. Oh well, just slap on a band-aid and carry on.  No need to worry about a little blood because I didn't get any on the fabric.

Fabric is so addictive 
that it should be 
a controlled substance
...but I'm sure glad it's not.  

Monday, June 8, 2015

Seven Things I Could Really Do Without

Reality TV – Who in the universe thinks any of this is real? It's a tv show, with a script and cameras, for heaven's sake. One or two of them were slightly entertaining, but now every network, including the weather and history channels, has multiple “reality” series that are just tiresome and stupid.

Drug ads – I do not want to learn about medication side effects like diarrhea, swelling of tongue or throat, vaginal discharge, erections that last four hours, bloating, gas, constipation, and bleeding while I'm cooking dinner or trying to read an article in Better Homes and Gardens. If I want to know, I'll look it up myself or ask my doctor.

Gossip presented as news – National and local newscasts lead with stories about someone who has had a sex change operation or molested a family member. Then the same story repeats for days, with opinions from anyone who will comment. Oh, and by the way, that person has a new book/tv show/movie coming out next week. Who cares? I want to hear real news stories, not crap, marketing ploys, or someone's opinion.

Too much skin – Please keep your clothing in its proper place, not yanked down, pulled up, or hanging half off of your body. I do not care to see your underwear or the tattoos you have on your butt, your boobs, or below your bikini line while I am eating at a restaurant or shopping. Save showing off your fine (or not so fine) self for the lake, the pool, or the privacy of your own home.

Weather panic – There's a thunderstorm or snow predicted! Go to your safe place! There's water ponding on the not drive! They're zoomed in to street level for a tiny orange speck on the radar. I'm glad we have access to early warning weather information, but these panicky sounding weather people make a little storm line sound like a catastrophic major event for days before it arrives. 
Movie remakes – If the original movie was good, it should stand on its own. That's why they're called classics. If it wasn't, then why bother to make the exact same film again? Lazy Hollywood ought to come up with original ideas. There are plenty of interesting novels that would make great films.

Formulated “music” - The sing-song chanting stuff that is being passed off as music is just horrible. You can't tell one whiny singer from the other, pop or country. None of them can carry a tune and most go outside their range to the point of screeching. The same four word chorus is repeated over and over and over again and called a hit because it fits some formula.

Thank goodness I can choose to avoid most of these by changing the channel, muting or turning off the offending sounds or shows. If only I could erase images seared onto my brain of people's inappropriate and unfortunate choices for public attire.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Simple Summer List

Here's to a summer of simple pleasures! The important things in life take time, so make an effort to slow down, simplify, and make this summer easy, breezy and fun.

Do the fun stuff: Go out for ice cream or a root beer float. Take in a movie at the drive-in. Escape into an interesting novel. Drink sweet tea, margaritas, or ice cold beer on your porch. Plan a road trip to explore someplace new. Count fireflies. Go to a dark spot and stargaze.

Lose the clutter: Less is better and easier to keep clean. Put away knick-knacks and heavy accessories for the uncluttered feel of a vacation retreat. Swap out dark colors for pure white, light sage, luscious melon, watery aqua, beachy blue, or pale gray.

Lighten up meals: Use the grill or crockpot often to keep the kitchen clean and cool. Seasonal veggies and fruits are plentiful and inexpensive for refreshing salads and side dishes.

Get back to basics: A simple summer wardrobe of lightweight pants, shorts, sundresses, tees, and camp shirts with sneakers or sandals will keep you cool and make laundry day easier. Leave the fussy hairstyles and heavy makeup behind.

Forget multitasking: Immerse yourself in each activity. Observe your surroundings and become aware of your senses. Experience life fully. Don't plan every minute; live on island time and let each day unfold to see where it takes you.

Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair...”
~ Susan Polis Schutz

Summer, after all, is a time when wonderful things can happen to quiet people. For those few months, you’re not required to be who everyone thinks you are...”
~ Deb Coletti 



1930's 1942 1969 Accuquilt Art Deco Australia BlockBase Blue Wren Bogie Christmas Craftsman DIY EQ8 Elna Featherweight Fifty Flynn Quilt Frame Granny Hill Granny Rose Grasshopper Halloween Janome Memorial Day Mother's Day Mustang Rocketeer Singer Singer 99 Slant-O-Matic 500 Southern traditions Thanksgiving Thoughts Universal accountability adapt adjust adventure advice affirmations amazing anniversary antiques attitude autumn baby quilt balance batik beach beauty birthday blessing bliss bonus breathe brightness candy cat challenge change chevrons chocolate choice closet clothes clutter coffee color contentment cooking cottage cotton crafts crazy creativity crochet decorating design designs distraction downsizing drama dreams drunkard's path energy excitement expectations fabric fall family feed sack flexibility flour sack flowers flying geese focus fool free motion free spirit freedom friends fun furniture garden grateful gratitude happiness hexagon imagination independence insight inspiration intuition inventory joy karma laughter lessons letting go life lists little things love magic mama memories milestones modern motivation nature opportunity organizing paint paradise passion patience peace perception perspective positive energy productivity purple quilt quilting quotes rainy days reflection refresh relaxation remnant renew resolutions responsibility restoration retro rhythm routines ruler quilting satisfaction scraps sewing sewing machine simplicity simplify snow solitude spring stitching strawberries stress sugar sack summer sunshine thankful tiger oak traditions triangle tropical prints useful valentine vintage violet waiting weather winter wisdom wishes yard sales