I picked up the Iris &
Herringbone fluted fruit bowl made by Jeannette Glass Company for only $6. I have a pitcher in this pattern that
belonged to my maternal grandmother. She also gave me a few Blue Ridge pottery plates, so I snagged this
one for a dollar. That cute little hobnail glass vase and the 1960's era
green bamboo pattern square flowerpot were a deal at $2.
I'll have to say I am
disappointed at the quality of yard sale offerings lately. While
some are nicely presented with reasonably priced things, many that we saw
were just piles of garbage that I would have taken to the dump. I know they say one man's trash is
another man's treasure, but dirty, smelly clothes and broken, rusty
appliances heaped out on the ground isn't my idea of a good yard sale. I'll skip those, thank you.
Remembering our heroes on Memorial Day
"We come, not to mourn our dead soldiers,
but to praise them." ~Francis A. Walker