Monday, September 30, 2013

A Great Excuse To Be Late

I'm late posting today's message, but I have a great excuse...I've been hanging out with my mama, Sam. This morning we had coffee on the back porch, and sorted through some of her clothes. She's staying with us while she recovers from a recent illness. Actually, we almost lost her, so I am very happy to be able to spend time with her now. It's good that she's here since she would have no help or anyone to talk with at her place.

It is occasionally a bit stressful to have another person sharing the house, but the fun times make it all worthwhile. My sweet husband is helping a lot, joking around, and doing nice things for both of us. Sam's always been feisty, so she's determined to recover enough to go back home and drive her car again. Whether or not that happens, I think she's doing well with her home physical therapy. She's still weak and gets tired easily, but we did have a short outing last Thursday to get her hair highlighted and cut. A sassy new do is a wonderful pick-me-up! I'm getting mine done this week.

I'm grateful for this opportunity, even if it makes me late, or keeps me from other tasks. The ordinary things will get done eventually. What's important now is Sam. After all, she's my mama and she made plenty of sacrifices for me.

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude. 
– Cynthia Ozick

Monday, September 23, 2013

September Decorating

I absolutely love this time of year! Temperatures drop to a comfortable level with crisp mornings and warm afternoons. Windows are flung wide to air out the house and my sun roof is open while I'm driving around town. Summer shorts are swapped out for jeans or khakis. And I've already decorated for fall.

I like autumn decorations because they stay up until after Thanksgiving. Warm shades of rust, copper, dark sage, pumpkin, and sunflower gold coordinate perfectly with my neutral paint colors of cream, cool taupe, and ripe gourd. Last week I made quilted valances in green, tan and muted rust for the dining room.  I've ordered oak mini-blinds for those two windows to complete the Arts and Crafts look.

I filled my porch flowerpots with gorgeous fall mums, changed the doormat, and added a swag of leaves and fall flowers to our back door. It's a relaxing season for reading, walking outdoors, mowing leaves, and pulling the last of the weeds. Next comes hot chocolate, homemade soup, snuggly hoodies, boots, and our last camping trip of the year.

I've been doing battle with spider webs...they are weaving them high up under the eaves and between tree limbs. Doesn't that mean big snowfalls this winter? I'll have to look that up later. Right now I'm going to sit on the back porch with my mama to watch the last few hummingbirds.

“Autumn's the mellow time.” – William Allingham

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Art Of Letting Go

Common sense should tell us that we can't hold on to everything. During our lifetime we will have to let go of possessions, people, pets, pain, and the past. Even knowing this, it can be very difficult because humans tend to resist change. The sooner we accept change, the easier it is to move on.

Letting go frees us to experience more. Making space in our homes creates a calming atmosphere. Releasing anger allows us to find peace. Eliminating negative people from our lives gives us room for new friends. Learning from the past helps us move forward. Replacing bad habits with good ones changes our whole outlook. Releasing control permits us to explore and grow.

So let go. Let go of past problems, bad habits, toxic people, clutter, and negative thoughts. Embrace positive living and focus on today. Remember, we have the power to choose how we experience things in our lives.

We don't always have to know why. Spending too much time on the why takes away from figuring out what to do next.” --Sandra Beck

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sewing Mends The Soul

Spending time in my craft room is peaceful and relaxing. I can stay there for hours. I don't even have to be sewing. I love designing, sketching, flipping through magazines and browsing through fabric swatches in search of ideas and color combinations.  It's my stress relief zone.  

Since it was so hot outside last week, I found a few extra hours to sew, and here are the results. This 38” square quilt in cool, fresh blues and greens is called Lakeside Picnic. It's made with easy 2”x4” strips set into a stacked pattern. The reverse, Cool Bars, is longer strips set together with wide pieces of coordinating fabric. It could be used as a lap quilt, a baby quilt, a table topper or a picnic cloth. 

Black, white and yellow batik 2 1/2” and 1 1/2" strips of varying lengths give this table runner a modern look, so I named it Midnight Lights. It reverses to large offset log cabin blocks, called City Squares.

Stress-free now, I'm ready for whatever comes this month. Enjoy Labor Day!

When life throws you scraps, make a quilt.” – Author Unknown


1930's 1942 1969 Accuquilt Art Deco Australia BlockBase Blue Wren Bogie Christmas Craftsman DIY EQ8 Elna Featherweight Fifty Flynn Quilt Frame Granny Hill Granny Rose Grasshopper Halloween Janome Memorial Day Mother's Day Mustang Rocketeer Singer Singer 99 Slant-O-Matic 500 Southern traditions Thanksgiving Thoughts Universal accountability adapt adjust adventure advice affirmations amazing anniversary antiques attitude autumn baby quilt balance batik beach beauty birthday blessing bliss bonus breathe brightness candy cat challenge change chevrons chocolate choice closet clothes clutter coffee color contentment cooking cottage cotton crafts crazy creativity crochet decorating design designs distraction downsizing drama dreams drunkard's path energy excitement expectations fabric fall family feed sack flexibility flour sack flowers flying geese focus fool free motion free spirit freedom friends fun furniture garden grateful gratitude happiness hexagon imagination independence insight inspiration intuition inventory joy karma laughter lessons letting go life lists little things love magic mama memories milestones modern motivation nature opportunity organizing paint paradise passion patience peace perception perspective positive energy productivity purple quilt quilting quotes rainy days reflection refresh relaxation remnant renew resolutions responsibility restoration retro rhythm routines ruler quilting satisfaction scraps sewing sewing machine simplicity simplify snow solitude spring stitching strawberries stress sugar sack summer sunshine thankful tiger oak traditions triangle tropical prints useful valentine vintage violet waiting weather winter wisdom wishes yard sales