will show you exactly who they are, by their actions.
They will also show you exactly what you mean to them the same way.
They will also show you exactly what you mean to them the same way.
them. This is reality.
Your reality will be however you decide to handle it.” ~J.V. Manning
Your reality will be however you decide to handle it.” ~J.V. Manning
is sad to watch someone close to us continually disappointed by
people they love. I wonder why we tolerate poor behavior from the
very people who should never treat us badly. They shouldn't be
excused just because they share our DNA or because they have been in
our lives for so long. Their action or inaction is the best gauge of
how they feel about us.
of the hardest lessons in life is knowing when to walk away. No one
can fix crazy, toxic, or mean people. Worrying about them only
brings us down; being angry with them doesn't help the situation.
They, like all of us, will have to answer to a higher power one day.
have learned that I can't change others, only myself. I can limit contact with anyone who does not positively impact my life. I
am solely responsible for the people I let into it.
I am walking away.
Enough is enough. Letting go is easier than I thought, and I feel
much better already.